Dorm Housing at Virginia Tech

I was looking at the Virginia Tech housing plans for the traditional dorms and they seem so small that all the beds are bunked. I was wondering if anyone has been in a traditional dorm and was able to have their room debunked? I looked into it and it only says they’ll do that for “guests”. Not sure what that means.

you can debunk beds or loft them.

You can debunk them. The page you were on was that refers to “guests” was probably not for students living on campus but a different part of VT housing services.

They come with the beds unlofted and give you the tools to loft if you want.

That said, it’s really tough to have any space at all if you unloft. The only other alternative that works is the L shape, or maybe half loft and throw some of your shit under your bed.

It depends on the room you are assigned. My D’s room is so small you cannot debunk the beds or even move them around due to built-in furniture. She’s in Slusher Tower.

I lived in Slusher Tower years ago-7th floor. The beds were not bunked and no loft kits were available at that time. However, no one had anything extra back then–just clothes, bedding, towels and a desk lamp. From the website, the room layout looks the same–you wouldn’t have room for a chair or plastic bins, etc.

Interesting…I was looking at this page and it does say that “In Slusher Tower/Wing, only one bed can be fully lofted due to room configuration.” So maybe those are the only residence halls where you’re forced to have bunk beds. Seems like that wouldn’t be a comfortable set up for a whole school year.