Dorm life at Adelphi

Looking for some feedback on what Adelphi is like on the weekends? Do many students go back home on the weekends, or is there ample activities to do on campus? Thanks!!

I beg you! Don’t go to this school! Ask yourself these questions: 1. Are you going into nursing? 2. Are you a commuter? If one of your answers to those questions is NO, DON’T GO. This school should just be turned into a trade school for nursing. 90% of the people you meet are nursing students, so the school is well equipped academically for nursing. That means that the other majors are NOT good academically, and you should invest in a school that is. If you answered yes to nursing, I would highly advise commuting if you live a realistic distance away and if not, please deposit to another school! There was mold in Eddy Hall (still is): I got mold all over my mattress, my clothes, shoes, and personal belongings. The mold comes from the terrible A/C, which doesn’t work. Forget putting up wall decorations because lack of A/C+humidity= wet walls. YES, I said wet. You can literally see and swipe off water from the walls in the warm weather. Linen Hall had bed bugs.Waldo is full of weirdos and creeps, and someone in Earle just recently contracted Hepatitis A. Next, there’s nothing to do on weekends. Compared to other colleges, there is NO student life. They have stupid activities which usually involve Greek like or are for commuters only. The few activities they have for everyone are childish and last maybe two hours. Most people that go to this school are from LI and live 10 minutes away from the school, so yes they go home every weekend, and on the weekdays. This school is for a very specific type of person and I’ve narrowed it down to this:

  • From LI, Brooklyn, or Queens
  • Loved high school, loved the cliquey atmosphere, loves super small environments, loves drama
  • Judgmental, obnoxious, and bipolar

If you fit that criteria, congrats! Adelphi is a perfect fit for you. My friend and I have come to learn that the only nice people we’ve met here coincidentally DON’T come from LI, Brooklyn, or Queens and don’t necessarily like it here. Anyone who likes this school are people who fit the above mentioned criteria.

Regardless of the people who go here, the school overall is too expensive for what you get, especially as a dormer. I’m paying 32k out of pocket and it was such a waste. I could’ve gone to an out of state school like Bama or Texas A&M for cheaper and a better experience. I beg of you to not attend this school. You will be thoroughly disappointed. Look at the retention rate: only 80% of freshmen return for their sophomore year. Most schools have at least 90-95% retention rates… that says a lot. As you can tell by my username, I am already transferring and can’t wait to get a REAL college experience!

Looks like the person below didn’t have the best experience… but DO NOT allow one person’s opinion sway you. 1/3 of college students transfer after their first year. I just finished my freshman year at Adelphi and loved it! I’m not from Long Island, so I do dorm and one of my biggest fears was that everyone went home on the weekends. This wasn’t the case. And I lived in Eddy, too! I lived about an hour and a half away and I RARELY went home unless it was break. This was because there was always something going on. There’s parties every weekend especially at one of the sports or frat houses, lots of events going on, and if you don’t like what’s on campus-- Garden City has everything. It’s got amazing food, shopping, and is a quick train to the city. There’s always going to be “suitcase people” at college (those that go home every weekend), especially in schools on Long Island. Stony Brook, Hofstra, and Molloy all have the same issues. Yes there was mold, but sorry to break it to you, every college has it. My room didn’t even have it, yet my roommate and I both received checks for $800 as compensation. College is all about what you make of it. If you don’t make the effort to meet people, you’re going to want to go home every weekend. It’s also about finding the right people. I was lucky to make great friends quickly at Adelphi who dormed and stayed on the weekends, so I never felt lonely. It’s also great to have commuter friends! I love that my commuter friends can drive me places haha and some of them are on campus more than I am, and I dorm here! This school has very involved commuters, you barely notice they don’t dorm because they are here till the end of the night. The school has a beautiful campus, mostly amazing professors who are available for helps, and great resources for you to succeed. It all depends of what you make of it! So get involved, join a club, sport, greek life. You won’t regret it!!! I can’t imagine being at any other school now.