Dorm Question

<p>I applied for housing back in January and was offered pernament space. I requested single dorm in the FHK complex. My friend recently committed to Texas A&M and was offered temporary housing. He's is regents scholar, so doesn't the scholarship guarantee pernament housing for him? I was planning to change from single to a suite-style apartment in the FHK complex, so that I can request my friend as my roommate (and maybe open up a space for him). Would A&M honor the roommate request even if my friend is offered temp. housing and I am offered pernament housing?</p>

<p>I believe the roommate with the latest sign up date becomes your date. You cannot ‘help’ your friend by selecting him as your roommate.</p>

<p>Thanks AGmolx2. That clears some things. I called tamu housing. They said that there is almost no chance that incoming freshmen will be able to get single dorms. Anyone have experience with this too?</p>

<p>I was “offered temporary housing” too even though im in the cornerstone program, which guarantees housing as well. Around June the housing people said a spot will be found for me and people in similar situations</p>

<p>If they’re a Regent’s Scholar then he’ll have a place on campus. Even if he has to share a room with two other people he will eventually be put in a permanent room. I literally applied for housing the day that my status changed from permanent to temporary. The housing people told me I will most likely be put in a permanent space since I was one of the first temporary applicants. We’ll see.</p>

<p>are you all incoming freshman for fall 2012? I applied for housing back in october and haven’t heard anything, was there an email or something?</p>

<p>You’ll be notified by July of your roommate and dorm.</p>