Need Help with dorm/roommate decision

<p>My daughter applied for housing in October and really wants a Southside modular dorm. She has now found a friend that she would like to room with but her friend didn't apply for housing until December or January. Right now my daughter's pref. is dorm over roommate. Should she change to roommate over dorm and they both pick each other and the same dorm preferences in the same order or do you think that will cause her to probably NOT get her dorm type/side of campus preference. I know it is a chance, but she also doesn't want to take a chance with true potluck and get a roommate that she has nothing in commmon with. What should I advise her to do...This is so hard and so important!</p>

<p>The only way she is going to be assured of getting her friend as a roommate is if they both pick each other - and pick roommate preference first over dorm. She may not then get her first choice of dorm.
It is a decision for her, would she rather have the roommate of her choice - or go with the dorm of her choice and go pot luck.
They can then put the same dorm choices and maybe they will get lucky.</p>

<p>Having lived in dorms for two years, my daughter would advise you to select roommate over dorm if you have someone that you feel you are truly compatible with. It can be so hard to make the adjustment to living in a dorm and if you have roommate issues everything is twice as hard. If you have someone you enjoy being around, who is respectful of you as a person and generally on the same wavelength, it will make the good times even better.</p>

<p>Thanks…that is the way I’m leaning. It really doesnt matter if she gets her 1st or third choice so maybe it will still work out. I may call the housing office tomorrow to get their opinion on chances based on the date the other girl submitted her deposit. I know they can’t tell me anything definite, but they know a whole lot more than I do about this and may be able to help her decide. Thanks again :).</p>

<p>i think that even with a jan pick date they will still get the type of dorm they want if not the exact location</p>

<p>Ok, someone and I picked each other and DID NOT get each other as roommates.
We had the same first preference dorm too.</p>

<p>Choose roommate over dorm because they are more likely to give you your choice roommate than your choice dorm.</p>