In the freshman honors dorm - what happens if roommates are not both in honors ? Are roommate requests honored ? Or would they have to go to another dorm? Thanks.
Both roommates have to be honors in order to live in the honors dorm. If you’re not both honors, the highest nonhonors preference will be taken into consideration. You will still be together, but together in another dorm. Say A is honors and B is not. A and B preferenced Wall then Butler. A and B will most likely get Butler. You can’t “pull in” a nonhonors roommate. However, since this class will be quite large and Tulane doesn’t have room, that policy may change.
How do you know the class is going to bed quite large?
Some of my friends work as admission interns and they say the office is predicting a large class. Also it’s been the trend for the past two years. Class of 2019 is around 1700. Class of 2020 is around 1850. Class of 2021 is roughly 1900.