<p>Which of the dorms are the all female building? Also, which dorms have all female floors?</p>
<p>What are the benefits of a quad vs a standard room? Which do you prefer? Do the the separate bedrooms within the quad have a locking door? Which complex (Segundo or Tercero) has the most quads?</p>
<p>In a quad there are I think 5 people? 2 Double rooms and 1 single room with a common space in the front area of each quad. I'm pretty sure the separate bedrooms have locking doors. I cannot be sure though because I live in a standard room in Segundo, Bixby. From what I have heard from friends in cuarto, they each have a locking door.</p>
<p>Neither Segundo or Tercero has quads. The quads are only in cuarto, the off campus freshman housing.</p>
<p>does cuarto have any all girl floors?</p>
<p>I called housing today and they told me the only all girls dorm is in Tercero.</p>
<p>thanks overworkedMom...however does that mean that mean its the only dorm area with an all girls building or the only area with all girls floors?</p>
<p>Peanut_butter . . . From what housing said, Tercero is the only area that has an all girls building. I think both Segundo and Tercero have buildings with all girls floors. Not sure about Cuarto. Call housing to make sure. The girl was pretty friendly.</p>
<p>Coed is much more fun than all girl or boy dorms =]
i live in Tercero south right now, its way newer and cleaner than the all girl dorms</p>