Dorm selection/process/recommendations for freshmen


We are looking to register my student for a dorm this upcoming week and are looking for advice on the process.

For example:

  • which dorms are considered the most desirable for freshman who are not committed to a LLC?
  • I see Chitwood has been set aside as a freshman dorm. The idea of a freshmen dorm is appealing, as it will make adjusting and making friends easier, but we know nothing about the pros/cons of Chitwood itself.
  • once you select a dorm, are you locked in for good?
  • do you select actual rooms during registration, or just a dorm?
  • if you do select a room, what are the nuances? (high floor better? any with a nice view? better to be close to/far from bathrooms, elevator, entrance, etc.?
  • he does not have a roommate now, but if he does in the future, can the roommate be added to the selected dorm or do you have to start all over again in the selection process?

Thank you in advance for any advice.

I would not pick Chitwood!!! My daughter was in Knapp for freshman year and loved it. Now she is in Carpenter Wells and loving it as well. Chitwood is a very very party dorm. Personally I would pick Murdough or Stangel for freshman year. Great location on campus and has “The Market” for dining where the meals are 50% for students.

when registration opens up, you pick a room in a dorm. Housing will be short again in the fall. So pick dorm/room and keep it. Both years my daughter has went random with no problems.

Thank you so much! I never would have known that about Chtiwood. We will look into Murdough and Strangel. :slight_smile: Any suggestions as to specific room/location within dorm?

@Momof3B has a son who was in Stangel. She can tell you more. Best of luck to your son. My daughter is a engineering major and is having a great time at TTU.


My son was in Stangel last year. He loved it. It’s such a great location. Nothing was more than a 10 min walk. He was on the first floor in room 115 and he didn’t have any complaints. It was nice not having to deal with the elevator at move in/move out!

The BEST part about living in Stangel/Murdough is having The Market!! It’s the best place to eat on campus and one of the most economical, since it’s 50% off. All of his friends from other dorms would come over there to eat.


yep, The Market is where D eats! Best place on campus for sure.

Thanks! Can I ask you a question about Murdough 1st floor, where your son was? It looks like there are additional bathrooms on that wing (maybe ADA bathrooms?) Is that correct? We don’t need ADA bathrooms but it does seem that with more baths and fewer rooms, you would have a lower person/bath ratio, which would be nice.

He was in Stangel, on the first floor, not Murdough, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same.

He didn’t have any issues with the community bathroom or there ever being a rush/wait time. Room 115 in Stangel was two doors down from the bathroom. It was a pretty quiet floor.

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