Dorm Tours?

My DD is planning on attending UA as a freshman in the fall. We had an amazing visit set up through the honors college last spring and it really put the school on the top of her list. We learned all about Alabama from reading here on CC and the friendly, enthusiastic,and knowledgeable parents and students who contribute are amazing. Thank you!

DD requested that we visit again to make sure that this is where she should continue her journey. We agreed that it would be a good idea now that she has all of her offers on the table. When we went last spring we were touring multiple schools over a few days - things blur together and she is a year older (and has seen a dozen more campuses). She never had the chance to check out the surrounding areas and the day was a bit of a whirlwind. We are flying back down this Sunday through Tuesday to see the school one more time before declining her other school offers and their merit scholarships. It is hard to walk away from other great schools and turn down the scholarships that she spent so much time competing for —she wants to be certain.

We are wondering if there are any dorm tours that show you in the different dorms and their proximity to other things on campus? She has looked online but it is easier to judge things in person. Most other questions that she has will be able to be answered at Bama Bound but since she will need to choose her housing before that orientation she would like to see some of the other dorms. Do any of you know if this is an option?

Also, if there are any other suggestions of things to do or see while we are there we will gladly take them! We are going to spend Sunday in Birmingham, then Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday in Tuscaloosa.

Thank you all again – Roll Tide!

They will show you a suite style dorm in Ridgecrest South and a traditional dorm in Burke Hall. My son is in RCWest. and enjoys it.

This thread might help fill in some gaps regarding dorm tours:
It is my understanding that you may need to specifically ask to see the Burke model room?

Also, don’t be afraid to re-schedule a private tour again through the Honors College. Tours aren’t reserved for 1st timers only! Since this is your 2nd time, think specifically what it is that you’d like to see, and they will arrange. This could include personal visits with professors, sitting in on classes in session, talking with a student ambassador in whatever college you’re interested in, etc. Allow time to just meet and talk with random students in your travels around campus. Ask your own student to list those things that they might consider doing in college (what clubs they will join, what activities they see themselves doing), and then try to see those same things during your visit. This could be going to a student theatre production, a lecture, attending a sporting event, attending a class at the rec center…anything, really! Look at the UA calendar of events for that week, and see if something strikes your fancy. Not many people have the luxury of time that you have, so make the most of it in order to cement your decision. One of my favorite things to do with a spare 20 minutes was just drive around at night and look at the gorgeous campus. Good luck!

Thank you for the suggestions. She has tours set up and will be doing a meeting with professors. I think she is sitting in on a class which is why we are staying an extra day (she set it up and I am not in on all of the details yet). She has a lunch set up with someone from a club as well. She has met a friend in the chat groups that is from our area and she will be there part of the time for some scholarship weekend/interview. We are planning to get together with her family as well. The dorms were the only thing that we weren’t sure about – she would like get an idea of their locations. She has found two girls to room together with in the fall from fb, but they do not have a dorm decided yet. It should be a nice visit.