Dorming recommendation question

<p>I'm a upper class-man. First semester at USF. I've narrowed it down between Juniper (the non-fresman only side. Thats the right one right? or Poplar whatever one is the correct one) and Zeta Hall. Based on what you know and/or heard what do you think is better then the other?</p>

<p>I've made up my mind to these types of dorming, so please no "do you really want to leave in a dorm?! do you know that they share a room?!" </p>

<p>The whisper I have heard is the Juniper complex is the newest/nicest, has the most people traffic around it. Yet Zeta isn't the nicest on campus, but has the best sense of community on it. </p>

<p>Thank you in advanced!</p>

<p>From my understanding, Juniper-Poplar, both sides, are ALL freshman. Unless the LLC’s have upperclassmen mentors or RA’s, I could be wrong though. Definitely something to check into.</p>

<p>^ah, it didn’t mention that on the program guide I read online. Nice to know though, thanks.</p>