Dorms at Texas A&M

<p>I've applied for housing at A&M and I'm just wondering if I made the right decision on my application. If anyone has experience could you tell me which is better, the commons or modular dorms? I applied for the New Northside dorm, wells, and Aston in that order. Also, if I applied for housing in early February am I likely to get one of my 3 choices?</p>

<p>Probably will get your 2nd choice. I know someone who is a current freshman who recently toured the new Northside dorm, and her parents said that they were told that that she would have a good chance because of applying as soon as the application date opened and being an upperclassman. My son applied for dorms at the end of January year before last, and he got his first choice (Mosher in the Commons), but that was before the new Northside dorm was an option, so he was fine with that. Most people preferred the Commons for the first year on campus, at least, before the new dorm was an option.</p>

<p>My D had the new northside dorms as the first option and a couple of the modular dorms as second and third. The modulars are a little more roomy than the commons…for girls that might matter more. They usually have more “stuff”. She applied the day the applications came open.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input from both of you. I’m just trying to decide whether the extra room of the modular is better than the convenience of the commons. Hard decision!</p>

<p>Hi. This might be a weird question but when did you apply for housing? I’m just wondering because I tried to apply a few weeks back but they said it was full. I hope they’ve re-opened it because I would really like to live on-campus. Oh, and to answer your question, I have a friend that lives at at A&M and he says that commons are by far the best on campus dorms (Aston especially). Hope this helps</p>

<p>The modular dorms definately have a lot of room. I guess convenience is based on where most of your classes are. My D feels that northside is more convenient to her classes. Also, she is right there at Northgate which has great places to eat when you are tired of the “meal plan”. She just found out that she got assigned to the new Northside Hall for next year. She will be a sophomore.</p>

<p>My D is in Wells and likes the extra room. It is also fairly quiet. She has friends in the Commons that say it can get loud. She is right across the street from the Commons and walks thru daily for class. There is better socializing options in the Commons for sure.</p>

<p>Try the Stack at Legacy Park too! It’s brand new and right on campus. They have roommate matching too.</p>

<p>So my son is on the waitlist for on-campus housing & I’ve read the comments several have made about the available private dorms/apartments, etc. We were thinking of going down in the next week or two to try to find him something - we’ve heard there will be some decent specials to take advantage of if we do it during Parent’s Weekend…but I’m wondering if there’s any reason not to wait until later in the summer to act? </p>

<p>First, if the housing situation @ A&M is anything like it is at Tech, there are ample apartments/private dorms and they will be scrambling to fill up late in the summer b/c there is so much new construction; so I don’t believe any of the e-mail hype we’ve gotten about “we’re almost full so sign now!” And even if that is true, the deals really aren’t that great at this point. </p>

<p>Anyone w/experience with this? Of course, if a miracle happens and they re-open on campus housing in June, we’d prefer her be on campus, so not signing now would also leave that open… We’re really torn between just getting it taken care of & regretting it later when the crazy “free dining plan upgrades” and such come out…</p>

<p>If any on-campus housing is still available, it will be the oldest, smallest, least desirable. Some of the apt. complexes may use the “We’re almost full” line to get you to come in, but we’ve never been brave enough to wait that long because you’ll always get the less desirable of what is remaining. I understand the skepticism, and when you act early like we always do, it is troubling to see all those deals offered at off-campus apts. at the last minute, but it’s a gamble to wait too long.
Probably best to check out places now, make your calls, and read reviews if available.
Have had 1 child attend UT and another currently at A&M and have always assisted them in making their housing arrangements prior to finals in December for the next year, because both College Station and Austin are towns where the places closer to campus seem to fill up fast, especially the nicer, newer ones within easy walking distance.
Good Luck!</p>