Dorms at Virginia tech

What dorm would you recommend to a first-year student? I’m open to any size or style room

@bryceharper I would recommend you check out all the residence hall profiles on the housing and residence life pages, and also the campus map so you can see where things are located. Then decide if AC is important enough to you to pay add’l for it. Residence hall life seems to be pretty much what you make of it, although some think that traditional style halls are more social than suite style.

You should also search this question on the VT Reddit page. There’s more students who post there than on CC.

We toured several residence halls this past weekend at Hokie Focus. O’Shag and Pritchard are both regular dorm room style dorms. A difference from back in the day is that a lot of the doors were shut. It used to be that everyone kept their doors open and that felt more open and inviting. A lot of the doors seem to have been updated to an automatically shutting door like in a hotel room - so very few were propped open. So if that’s your main reason from choosing that type of dorm vs. suite style, it may be that suite style is about the same for meeting people. The big difference is that you have to clean the suite style bathrooms yourself. Housekeeping only cleans those over breaks. Really not a big deal but regular dorms bathrooms are cleaned daily and deep cleaned weekly.

@hokieinCO From what I’ve been told by son and friends, the doors open all the time is a first couple of weeks of school thing. If you were there on Saturday that was also during the big event so they may have been closed due to the students not being in the res hall.

My D is interested in an LLC. assume she should do the housing contract first?

Yes the contracts asks which LLCs your interested in

@fairfaxgator If the housing contracts are like they were last year (sounds like they are), then yes you should complete it asap. Completion date impacts when your student’s time slot for room/hall selection will be. (If the LLC they are accepted into is housed in a specific res hall then she will have to live there, but her room selection slot should be dictated by when the housing contract was completed). That was our experience last year (S is in an LLC).

@ShenVal18 Thanks. We just put down deposit on Monday. Will try to complete housing by this weekend.