<p>I have a nephew just admitted…</p>
<p>can anyone tell me about dorms? good ones, bad ones…</p>
<p>I have a nephew just admitted…</p>
<p>can anyone tell me about dorms? good ones, bad ones…</p>
<p>Um, it really just depends on your luck, I guess. I think there's a freshman dorm somewhere, but there are also mixed ones. </p>
<p>My friend is a freshman, she has a quad and loves it. It even has its own little living room and bathroom.</p>
<p>You might go here to check out some more residence hall stuff: <a href="http://undergrad.osu.edu/campuslife/residencehalls.asp%5B/url%5D">http://undergrad.osu.edu/campuslife/residencehalls.asp</a></p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>how does housing work?? the earlier you apply, the better dorms you get??</p>
<p>i went on a college visit and the dorm they showed us was tiny. on princetonreview.com it's voted #12 or something for "dorms like dungeons"</p>
<p>I've heard bad things about the towers (Lincoln and... Morill?).</p>
<p>Yeah, you definately do not not want to stay in the towers. (At least I wouldn't anyway). They have carpeted walls and the quarters are rather cramped. They other dorms I saw on my visit were a little bit nicer and had a lot more room. I do suggest that if you have the option, stay in the honors dorms. They are normally quieter at night when you're trying to get your zzzzz's.</p>
<p>I live in Seibert honors, two people to a room. I get about 70 square feet of personal space but it's enough room to hold all of my stuff. Seibert is coed by floor. We students get ny times and columbus dispatch every day except weekends. There is a large workout gym (Jessie Owens south) right across the street. Seibert has fast internet, micro fridge, and cable tv jack. Showers have athlete's foot.</p>
<p>Doesanyone know about the Haverfield House? This is where I would live if I attended OSU (b/c the PSL Schoars are housed there) and they seem cramped b/c they are quads. Anyone know how living with four people is? or about haverfield house specifically?</p>
<p>Living in a quad isn’t too bad. It’s cozy; I kind of miss it.</p>
<p>…No love for the towers… Ouch.</p>
<p>I will go on record as saying I love Lincoln Tower.</p>
<p>Really, each dorm is a bit different, and you should take the time to explore the website provided above, see what the layouts and locations are like. There have also been numerous discussions on this forum about various dorms’ personalities, so I would search around a bit :-)</p>
<p>The earlier you put in your deposit for housing to say you are definitely coming to OSU and living in the dorms next year, the more likely you are to get your top choice of housing.</p>