
<p>Would there be more space in the dorm with lofted beds or bunk beds? I know with the lofted beds you will be able to fit your dresser and desk under it, but do bunk beds give more space in general or do you recommend lofted?</p>

<p>Lofted, definitely. If you bunk then you have th space of one bed plus the space of two desks taken up. If you lift you just have the space of two beds. Plus there is room under the loft for a mini fridge or whatever too. I highly highly recommend lofting.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that some dorms have restrictions on lofting, e.g. Slusher, which only allows you to loft one of the beds.</p>

<p>I lofted my bed last year, but in my experience, I never really had a use for all the extra space, since I didn’t bring very much. I had clothes, laptop, books, fridge, and not much else. Most students will want to bring extra things like chairs, television, containers and other equipment, so they will find lofting to be more useful.</p>

<p>Yes…lofted 100%. I lived in SlushWing. If you know your roommate pre-August (my roommate and I were friends in high school), talk to them to check out lofting preferences. Even if you don’t know them, get an idea of who would want to loft/who wouldn’t. The beds should be the first thing you do to get your room in order. </p>

<p>(And if you do happen to live in Slusher Wing-- not sure about the tower- you will have a TON of storage space)</p>

<p>Are there two loft kits already in EAJ? I know I want to loft for sure and hopefully my roommate will too.</p>

<p>Yeah, EAJ has lofting stuff for both beds (I live there). The beds are bunkable or you can unbunk them and use the other set to either have both beds bunked, or one/both beds lofted/unlofted (on the floor)</p>

<p>What about Mircowaves? Certain sizes, best place to buy?</p>

<p>I always just got the mini-fridge microwave combo that VT offered. You might be able to save a little money by getting your own (especially if you plan on keeping it for a while) but the one they have works fine.</p>