I’ll be a freshman in the fall at most likely UGA or UF, and I want one of the apartment style rooms with kitchens and separate bathrooms and multiple roommates and what not. The tour guides and admissions said theres usually not much of a problem getting one of these rooms as a freshman because many upperclassmen live off campus, however, they said its not recommended for freshmen because its not as social as other room options. Is it true I’ll struggle to make friends and meet people in housing like this? any other information would be great. thanks
Personally, I feel by placing yourself in an apartment style room then you will be cutting yourself off to making friends with other people. I mean if you are a social person and can make friends easily then you should be fine. However, if you are a more introverted person then maybe starting off in an apartment is not the best idea. I feel that every freshman should experience having a roommate and living in a typical dorm. It is ultimately up to you. I mean sometimes it is nice to close the door and have your own room just be careful you don’t do it all the time and miss out on socializing.
I hear a lot about kids in the apartment-style dorms being lonely. You could get roommates who go in their room and hardly ever come out. Or your roommates have friends, or a very involved major, and you never see them. Now, the traditional style dorms can be the same way. It’s not like a bunch of people hang out in the lounge all the time, at least not in the dorms I experienced. Most girls were in sororities or had other sets of friends.
Are you grossed out by communal bathrooms? Look at it this way: somebody else cleans the bathroom and supplies the toilet tissue!
I just have really bad headaches and was thinking that the privacy would help, but I don’t want to not make friends. Communal bathrooms are definitely not something I can deal with, and also the universities I’m looking into are working on getting rid of them all together and just doing the two rooms, one bathroom thing.