Double depositing for Colleges

Moderator Note: This post was split from another thread.

You mean some folks may have committed to more than one colleges? But this may cause them a big trouble, this is unethical… But if you meant, colleges admitted these folks but they have not yet declined then it should have auto-declined after May-1. In this case I don’t think they need to inform college.

This seems to be a serious problem. This puts waitlisted students in disadvantage as well as colleges! Any idea whether UCLA and other top tier colleges faced such issue in the past when they closed their waitlist but bunch of students withdrew at the last moment and those spots were never filled up.

Double depositing isn’t a new phenomena. While unethical, students have been doing it for a very long time.

Also, while we don’t know how widespread it is, or isn’t, a college’s yield management model likely forecasts for it.

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UC Forum Champion Note: Since double depositing is not applicable to the UC system especially in the UCLA Discussion thread and since they do track UC enrollments, students will be flagged if SIRing to 2 UC’s, I have moved this discussion about Double Depositing.

Thank you for your understanding.

A student’s HS will only send out one final transcript to one college. Typically a student who deposited won’t be able to go thru orientation, course registration, etc until the college has a final transcript.


Some posts have been hidden, either because they make no sense, or because they seem to condone unethical and, in many cases, prohibited actions.

Let’s be clear: it is unethical to double deposit and many colleges state clearly that it is not allowed. You may have your admission rescinded and it can have negative consequences for high schools and other students. Any posts condoning double depositing will be removed.


The concern was about students who double deposit with one of the ucs(ucla for example) and an out of state or whatever.

As noted by @Mwfan1921 the school counselor will only send ONE final transcript out when school ends. If a student double deposits, the jig will be up at that point.

What can really be gained by double depositing? We’re not talking about depositing at school A and remaining on a waitlist for school B, right? That’s only one deposit and it is totally within the rules. Is it about stalling to try to get the best financial aid between two colleges?

Maybe I just fell off the turnip truck, but I really don’t understand the move?

It’s about stalling to make a decision after the May 1 date for matriculation decisions.


Oh. I would have thought kids would have a pretty clear idea of where they want to go by then (or at least be sick of the whole process). Hard to think of wanting to prolong it.

All in all double depositing for incoming first years isn’t all that common, and colleges just build some loss for that into their summer melt estimate in their yield models.

IME double depositing for transfers is more common because there is no common commitment date for transfers. Some require a decision within two weeks or so from acceptance notification (which for some schools starts happening as early as Jan - March) whereas others allow commitment decisions into August.


Although I remember one thread on here by a student considering double depositing. Their reason was that their senior year grades were slipping and they were worried that their 1st choice selective school would rescind admission; therefore, they wanted to put a deposit on a Plan B school in case that happened.


I wonder how high school counselors manage this. I just submitted the final transcript for my (homeschooled) S23 through the Common App. When you go to submit the final transcript, it says to only submit the final transcript to the school the student will be attending OR to the school the student is currently committed to and schools they are still waitlisted for and considering.

As the counselor, I did not get any feedback on where my student was admitted or waitlisted. The only information I would have on where my student was attending or waitlisted would come from the student. So, if the student communicated to the counselor that they were committed to one school and waitlisted at another, the counselor should send 2 transcripts.

I don’t see any purpose in double depositing (apart from, I guess, the situation where the student was concerned about being rescinded). But if the student was really committed to it, they could certainly lie to their counselor about their status, and I don’t see how it would come out in the transcript sending phase.


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