Double Major = 2 Degrees?

<p>So Im trying to fill out my CV and was wondering, if I double major in econ and BME, do I get just a BSE or a BSE and a BS?</p>


<p>I believe if they are both B.S. they are double degrees.</p>

<p>That is what I am confused about. My Pratt degree is a B.S.E., but econ is a B.S.</p>

<p>So do I get both, or do I simply get a B.S.E. with a second major in economics (since I am enrolled in Pratt).</p>

<p>Well, when you graduate you will only get *one *diploma…and it will say Bachelor of Science in Engineering. So, I’m not 100% sure, but I’m confident in saying that double majoring is NOT two degrees. You will get a BSE and also completed the requirements for a major in Economics. I’m sure if you put “BSE, Biomedical Engineering. BS, Economics.” on your resume nobody is going to think you are trying to mislead them or lie to them. And it’s a simple way to portray the double major. But, I think, technically, you will just receive a BSE.</p>

<p>Thanks BlueDog,</p>

<p>that was really helpful. I think Ill just put BSE. I hope you are right that no one will care, but some people who conduct interviews just seem to be that “type” of person.</p>