Double major in art and business?

Hi I am a current business, undecided student and I am trying to figure out what to major in. I have taken multiple (6) career tests including typefocus and traitify and all of them have told me to be an art major. I am very conflicted because I am not even good at drawing and I would never solely major in art. I am also not sure what it would be like to double major in two things so different like business and art. any insights??? or new career tests I can take

What career would you want in Art? Maybe a minor in something in that art related career.

I have no clue what would be my options really, I am taking a class next semester on graphic design to see if that is something I would like. I just don;t know what kind of job or what would be the benefit of me majoring in business and minoring in art. also there are many types of art, i think. :frowning:

@vtkviii At Tech, they, for the most part, recommend getting a double major or minor that is somewhat related to your first major. I’d recommend not going down the art double major path, at least until sophomore year or you know what you plan to do with the art major.

@vtkviii If you find that you enjoyed the graphic design course, then a major in marketing paired with an art minor might be a good combination. Many marketing and marketing/communications jobs like to see proficiency with design software. Maybe check out PRISM and see if that piques your interest?

If other art interests you and marketing seems like a fit, almost every performing arts company/venue, museum, gallery, etc. has professional marketers on their staff.