Double Major in MT and Music Education

<p>Hi everyone!</p>

<p>I am looking to transfer to a school at which I can double major in musical theatre and music education. I was told by an admissions person at JMU that this is possible. Is anyone on CC currently doing this at JMU? She recommended that if I were to do this, that I do the BM track in Musical Theatre (rather than the BA). Does anyone have thoughts about double majoring in these fields at JMU?</p>

<p>Any thoughts are much appreciated!</p>

<p>Thanks so much!

<p>My suggestion in this case would be to major in BM Music Education and minor in theatre (taking mostly musical theatre, dance, and acting classes for electives).</p>

<p>The double major in BM Music Education and BM Music Theatre would take more than 4.5 years to complete, in my experience. You could double major, but it is not necessary. </p>

<p>We have BM Music Education grads who minored in Theatre who were active participants in the musical theatre program and who are now working professionally full time as performers post grad.</p>

<p>I am the Musical Theatre Program Coordinator at JMU. Please feel free to email me at <a href=“”></a>. Or call me at 540-568-6009 to discuss more specifics.</p>
