Double Major in Music/Business?

<p>I don't know if this is the right thread/group for me to be posting in, but I'll give it a shot, anyway. :)
I'm currently a student at a CC, and I'm interested in transfering to UCLA. I'm heavily considering double majoring at UCLA (biz econ/music).
Does anyone know about how double majoring in music+other area at UCLA works? (I'm a flute player, btw--and YES, it doesn't take rocket science for me to know that there's INCREDIBLE COMPETITION in the music field-Youtube has many answers, you know...).
I looked at UCLA's music website, and under the FAQ's, they state that if you're admitted under music as 1st choice, then you're not considered for 2nd choice. If you're already at the school, you'd have to apply as a "change of major" applicant. But, I was trying to find out more information, and apparently there ARE students at the school who major in music as well as in a different concentration, so I know it's possible, but I wouldn't know what to do...</p>

<p>There’s little prior content on UCLA in general in the past threads from a quick search, and most is a passing mention or point of info.</p>

<p>I’d suggest you look deeply into UCLA’s undergrad handbook and music specific supplement, rather than the FAQ section, which tends to be an overview. The indepth detail can be tedious, but these are the operative documents in researching any degree requirement or academic policy. Also, it should provide detailed transfer requirements as well.</p>

<p>I understand that there are some pretty close ties with some CA CC’s and the UC’s, and possibly your academic current advisor may have an idea.</p>

<p>You can call and speak to a UC admissions officer with expertise in the music aspect or school of business. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>