Double Major in Two Different Schools?

<p>I would like to double major in Latin American Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences and Marketing in the School of Business.. is it possible to have a double major in two different schools? And do you think it is wise to pick these two majors if I plan to stay in Miami after i graduate and work for an international business firm in the metropolitan area?</p>

<p>I’m wondering the same thing. I want to double major in biology in the College of Arts and Sciences as well as some sort of business major in the School of Business.</p>

<p>At UM, majoring and minoring across the schools/colleges is perfectly acceptable. You aren’t limited to just your school, you can take classes in any department you want, and it’s really very free and open for students. You can definitely double major in two different things from different schools. In fact, I believe RSMAS students are required to major in something from another school such as the College of Arts and Sciences, etc.</p>

<p>My D is double majoring in Journalism and Sport Admin. In the School of Communications, you must double major outside of the school.</p>

<p>I contacted UM to see if I could discuss this with my advisor. They responded saying this:</p>

<p>“Welcome to UM and the College of Arts & Sciences. We do have a major in Biology but we do not have any majors in Business. If you major in Biology with us you could minor in one of the areas in Business. However, if you change your school to the School of Business you could do a major with them and a double major in Biology. Should you decide that you want to be in the School of Business, please contact the Admissions Office and ask them if they can change your school.”</p>

<p>I’m interested in this too. I will be an Exercise Physiology major in the School of Education, but I want to double major in Health Science in the School of Nursing. I don’t know where we would indicate this, but I’m definitely going to need to talk to an advisor!</p>

<p>@Chinadoll772 I’m in the same boat. I am currently in the school of education as a human and social development major, but I would like to double major with that and public health within the school of health studies. I called and they told me to send my request in writing in order for them to process it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up! Who do we send the request to? And can we do this at orientation?</p>