Hello. I am a community College student. I am looking to transfer to Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor. I have questions regarding double majoring or simultaneous degrees.
I’d like to major in Aerospace eng. and Political sci. These degrees will be from two different colleges within the Univ. I am wondering if it is possible in spite of the multi college situation.
Also, does Michigan offer that, or is it to unorthodox of a plan? If so, can someone help me with some website links or self experience?
I am sure I would need to complete both colleges prereqs. Prereqs for aero and polisci. Also, I would need to take a couple more years of schooling at Mich to receive the degrees. Does that sound right?
Very Respectfully,
ya boy bill 
it is possible, but it’s not very common. as you said, you just complete both degrees separately. there are not really any established programs that will make the process easier. you simply declare the joint degree and work with advisers in both colleges to ensure you complete each set of requirements properly.
So what I want is called “joint degree”?
I’m not sure you wanna do that, but technically you could. Aero engr itself is difficult and time consuming. Add that on with another degree might be too much tbh
My D is pursuing dual degrees in engineering and music. It’s tough and usually requires 5+ years, but doable. While it’s not common, she knows quite a few others pursuing dual degrees. She has two advisors and they have been really helpful.