Is it practical to major in business while also majoring in photography? I have heard a lot about double major programs and I’m so lost. ANY information on double
majors or majoring in businessOR photography would be really appreciated. After spending years photographing things as a hobby i feel as though I want to pursue photography as my major. Is majoring in Art risky?
What do you mean by practical? being able to build a reasonable schedule? being able to complete both majors in 4 years? being able to get a job in either/both areas?
And what do you mean by risky? do you mean being able to get a job after you graduate.
In business, photography or any combination of the two, the biggest variable for jobs after college is what you do during college, especially work experience/internships/etc.
In general, you should be able to do those two as a double major at most colleges (assuming that the college offers both majors of course).
But: what you major / double major / major-minor in will depend on a number of things, none of which you are in a position to know yet. Hand on heart, for these subject areas it will not matter what - if any- possible major you put on your applications- the colleges are unlikely to take it particularly seriously, as they know how many students change their ideas for their major once they get to college.
If you are a junior in HS you are 1 1/2 - 2 years away from having to declare a major. You should expect to do a lot of growing and evolving in that period. So, choose a college that is strong in both areas (and most are strong enough). When you sign up for your first term of classes try both subject areas. See what they are like, how you like the professors, the department and, especially, the work. The path forward will become clearer as you do.