I have been thinking about double majoring in philosophy and political science, but I would like to hear some input on this decision. I have already seen some discussions on this that say this would be redundant to do. There were also the usual comments about how philosophy will make it difficult to find a job. I really enjoy taking philosophy classes because it’s really fascinating to understand all the theories and notions about morality or what one can know to truly exist with absolute certitude( some Descartes right there). I also think that taking political Science along with philosophy would be complementary, since studying political science helps one know the ins and outs of government. I feel as if I were study both that I would have great knowledge and wisdom in understanding people and politics.
Is this something any of you would recommend? What else would be a good major or ,minor to complement philosophy? Truthfully, I am aware that a degree in philosophy won’t really land you a job, but it’s one of the very few subjects I enjoy studying.
I’m in my second year of community college( I started fall of 2015) and I would really like to transfer to a UC, but if that doesn’t go well (financially), then a CSU would be fine with me. Any input on this will be appreciated. Thank You.