<h1>1 - My daughter is considering a double major in Business with another subject outside of the business school (College of Arts and Sciences), would it be best to apply to the College of Business and Economics or College of Arts and Sciences. Is one more difficult to get into than the other?</h1>
<h1>2 - Is it possible to complete a double major in 2 different schools in four years (no summers)?</h1>
<h1>1: D1 intended to do the same; depends on stats; she applied and was accepted to College of Business; another friend applied and was accepted to A&S and has since switched to Business…</h1>
<h1>2: we were told prior to applying that a major and minor were definitely easier but that the double was doable depending on AP credits coming in…</h1>
<p>caveat: my daughter is not attending Lehigh (at another school) but I remember the process…</p>
<p>Also, you might want to check the cost for a double major. It definitely does cost more. However, I do not believe a major with a minor affects tuition as long as you finish within the 4 years.</p>