Downloading Music on Campus

I’m aware that torrenting music is high risk and generally a bad idea, but what about direct downloading using something like dopefile or sfshare? At the very least are programs that convert youtube and soundcloud to mp3 plausible?

Just go for it, nobody is going to care

  1. "Easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask permission" aka go for it route
  2. In my opinion if you do get in trouble, it will be just a slap in the wrist like a warning email. Otherwise, feel free to download your music.

Use a vpn, I personally use HOLA the app, works on mac and windows great use, re routes ur stuff as if u were in britain or asutralia or any country, I use to use it for netflix as depending on the area was the movies available but they finally caught on and blocked it.

HOLA is really unsafe though so do so with caution, dont use it on your private laptop or anything with your information.

i used to use it to watch some streams

I would’t do it. At my school everyone has to download the school program and they monitor what you do.