Dr. Bonner Reviews Progress of Integration of Greek system

<p><a href=“http://cw.ua.edu/2014/04/09/bonner-reviews-ua-progress/”>http://cw.ua.edu/2014/04/09/bonner-reviews-ua-progress/</a> </p>

<p>15 out of 18 traditionally White UA sororities now have Black members. 23 Black women accepted bids. It would be great to see even more integration, but I wonder how this compares to other schools? </p>

<p>I have no clue how it compares to other school, but frankly, it’s astonishing for UA. Before October of 2013, there MIGHT be 3 or 4 African-American girls who signed up for recruitment. The sororities can’t make women sign up. 15 of the 18 pledging AA women, with 23 accepting bids - this is very, very encouraging! I’m a little surprised that the issue for fraternities was not included in her remarks. In matters social, however, where the women lead, the men will follow.</p>

<p>From email S just received from new SGA president:</p>

<p>Integration Resolution At Tuesday night’s Senate special session, Senator Christin Spencer and I proposed an updated resolution fully supporting the integration of the University of Alabama Greek system. The resolution will be brought to committee then voted on at Thursday’s Senate session. I am proud of the Senate’s dedication to integration. Although our University has come very far over the past two semesters, we still have a long road ahead, and my administration is fully dedicated to seeing and encouraging results. </p>

<p>Diversity Caucus In addition to our Integration Resolution, my administration and I have already begun working on our Diversity Caucus. The Caucus will be composed of members from across campus representing various student organizations. They will meet twice a month to discuss issues surrounding diversity on campus. Then, the SGA Executive Council will meet with the Diversity Caucus and work on programs and initiatives that directly contribute to solutions with diversity issues. The Diversity Caucus will give a voice to campus, and I’m excited that we are beginning the process of starting it this week.</p>

<p>Good news, but its a shame the dunderheads who run “the Machine” couldn’t get there act together and get over whatever resentment they had about the previous resolution. I can understand why they might have felt frustrated at the lack of recognition for the progress that has been made, but boy did they screw up. There are several videos with really negative titles on youtube that make it seem that UA STILL has a Whites only Greek system. Somehow, other schools that are less diverse always seem to miss out on negative attention when it comes to race. One down the road on the East side of the state comes to mind. </p>

<p>Auburn sororities have pledge two or three African American girls, from what I understand. Scream “Alabama” and “racist” and "sororities together in a headline and watch your reader-, listener-, viewer numbers shoot up. </p>

<p>Yes indeed, the media seems completely uncurious about race problems at Auburn.</p>