Dr. Robert Witt announces his retirement

I am so sorry to hear that Dr. Witt will be retiring next year. He has proven himself to be an extraordinary leader and invaluable asset to The University of Alabama System. As The University of Alabama’s President, he led UA into an era of unparalleled improvements and growth. I know that you will join me in wishing him well in his future endeavors.

Here is the link to the announcement article:


I think he is the reason many of us have OOS students attending UA.

He will be 75 when he steps down, so he certainly has earned his retirement - but I hate to see him go. Thank you Dr. Witt!

He deserves to have a major building named after him. Denny Chimes after all was named after George Denny, a past UA president who also led UA to extraordinary growth.

^^^No doubt UA’s advancement office already has plans underway! :slight_smile:

“The Biology Building” has yet to be named… :wink:

That building has been set for a major renovation for quite a while. I have fond memories of taking a Biology class in that building. Got a 100 on an exam there.