UA President Aiming High in Strategic Plan

Increasing graduate enrollment and the number of tenured faculty seems like a major priority. Also, he talks about relocating certain university divisions, like Maintenance, to the campus perimeter, to create more space for academic/residential buildings.

I agree with moving any “support bldgs” to the perimeter of campus where many of the other support bldgs are. Just makes sense, and helps “decrease” the campus size for academic use.

Honors Dean Sharpe told us the same thing on our visit yesterday. They do not want sprawl, like too many campuses. (Report coming.)

I sure would love to see the West side of Bryant Denny redeveloped.

Do you mean the actual side of the stadium? or do you mean across the street?

the west side, I’m fine with the cemetery to the south lol

lol…no, I meant the actual side of the stadium or across the street (side of the stadium). But, I guess you do mean across the street west-side (north of Rama Jama)

Yes, Rama Jama is fine, but those apartments just north of it, yikes!

@Atlanta68, are you referring to the ones that have sevearl buildings that are red brick? Stadium Apartments?

Not all of the units are leased. Some are not even students but low income families. There must be several alums that have leased several of the units. On game days they have their tailgates setup outside of their units with power cords running inside.

That property is owned by a development company in Jackson, MS. From what I can gather, they develop large projects and own several. They might not have been able to develop sooner due to leases in place or it is making dang good money right now for them. I’m sure some day they will finally develop that spot.

Yes, I have always thought they are so ugly. Not a nice complement to BDS. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have greenery there, or even student housing?

What are they building on the east side of Colonial Drive, just north of Bryant? Two large steel-framed buildings?

@Beaudreau That would be 2 of the newest sorority houses going up.

@Atlanta68, I’d love to see more student apartments right there, not large complexes. Small ones like that are on that side. The ones on that side of BD are in high demand due to location. On one part of that land, I’d love to see a hotel. Perfect location! I’d love to buy that property and myself and develop. Don’t think that they are willing to sell since they bought it in the last few years.

If you are familiar with Turquoise Place in Gulf Shores - there are plans to build a big high-rise condo on the west side alongside the north end of the stadium, I think. Those were announced 3-4-5 years ago, so it’s possible they’ve cancelled plans. I think the delay is in obtaining enough land. Wish I could remember the name they were going to give the condos.

There was something called Dynasty Park, but I think that it is indefinitely put on hold. Too bad, it was really going to be special from a look at the renderings in the following link: