Dream school vs real life expectations

<p>so, I thought it might be interesting (or just for fun) if we posted what our dream school is (or was!) and the school we THINK we'll end up at; if it's the same thing more power to ya!!! </p>

<p>I'll start I suppose: </p>

<p>Dream school: University of Richmond/Union College/Gettysburg College</p>

<p>As of now it's looking like: University of Vermont OR SUNY New Paltz :)</p>

<p>As you can see...I couldn't stick to my own rule of one haha</p>

<p>Dream School: University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign</p>

<p>Think (am actually almost SURE) I’ll end up at: Indiana University-Bloomington</p>

<p>Dream School: Parsons Paris vs. University of Pennsylvania vs. SAIC</p>

<p>now its like…Pratt</p>

<p>dream school: sva/mica/risd, real school: sva/mica.</p>

<p>how are you looking at art schools like me and not looking at edward cullen?</p>

<p>im looking at zach condon <a href=“http://www.twentysevenviews.com/images/bands/beirut02.jpg[/url]”>http://www.twentysevenviews.com/images/bands/beirut02.jpg&lt;/a&gt;
im more into kewt than hot</p>

<p>Dream: MIT
Real life: William and Mary or UVa</p>

<p>Dream: Vanderbilt U. or UNC Chapel Hill
Reality: probably USC or Furman?</p>

<p>thashers, are you a senior or junior?</p>

<p>LUCKY GURL!!! what are you planning on majoring in?</p>

<p>fair enough. i think saic is pretty easy to get into, they just make it super intense so everyone drops out, but all of my friends who visited them at port day got their ports accepted, which i suppose is the hard part. good luck though!</p>

<p>dream - nyu</p>

<p>realistic - fordham or nyu.</p>

<p>^^^same here, stephennn… :]</p>

<p>Dream school - New York University</p>

<p>Realistic - New York University…I can’t help it, it’s like a perfect match. ;]</p>

<p>dream - Stanford
realistic - Georgia Tech or Cornell (i know it’s Ivy, but not gonna lie, i’ll be surprised if i’m rejected)</p>

<p>dream: NYU, NYU, NYU, NYU, Columbia</p>

<p>realistic: UC Berkeley if I get in… or maybe Pomona, UCSD, or even Barnard. basically I have no idea, haha</p>

<p>Dream: YALLLLEEE!</p>

<p>Realistic: WashU, UCBerkeley, Vanderbilt, UMich, NYU</p>

<p>dream school: Penn or Berkeley</p>

<p>realistically: Carnegie Mellon or UCSD, hopefully.</p>

<p>dream: UChicago</p>

<p>real: Marquette… Macalester maybe</p>

<p>dream - hyps
realistic - duke/pomona/rice
last resort - full ride to upitt engineering</p>

<p>dream: Caltech or UCLA
realistic: UCLA
last resort: SMC –> UCLA</p>