Drexel Nursing Program

<p>My daughter is a HS senior- definately going for BSN. Can any current nursing students or parents give us your thoughts on the program at Drexel. We are getting very "mixed" reviews and are on the fence about applying here. Thanks for your insight. We have yet to visit and will do so, but wanted the input of someone who has already been where we are (applying). Thanks!</p>

<p>I don’t have any useful information about Drexel Nursing but I will suggest that you also post this question in the Drexel forum. Good luck!
[Drexel</a> University - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/drexel-university/]Drexel”>Drexel University - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>D took advantage of a free application (they were sent out in the Fall, after she had requested information from Drexel). She got a nice scholarship, but Drexel’s cost was still high for a BSN degree even after the scholarship. We noted that Drexel’s ratings are moving upward, and that its internship programs are very highly regarded. Drexel sent a lot of good informational materials during D’s Senior year.</p>

<p>D ultimately dropped Drexel from her final list due to its high cost compared to other schools on her list, its distance from home and because she was scared off by warnings on other nursing boards that Drexel required its students to pass their own proficiency test before allowing them to take the nursing exam.</p>

<p>D was accepted there with generous merit aid…Visited the campus, and was impressed with facilities…GREAT co-op program,second to none…School has undergone major contruction and renovation, it is clearly an up and coming school,very well regarded by many publications…</p>

<p>Minor Concerns: very diverse student body,campus/classes/dorms spread out all over the area…Not the best of neighborhoods,but significantly better then Temple…</p>

<p>Positives: U Penn is next door,and combined with Drexel,they have a sizeable police force to look after students…</p>

<p>Full tuition/board will run 48k±,but few pay the “rack rate”,figure 30-35k all in,with decent merit…</p>

<p>FWIW, D decided not to attend there,at "nova instead at full rack rate ;)</p>


I feel your pain <grin></grin></p>