Dropped a class, freaking out

Freaking out a bit here… DS was admitted to Mechanical Engineering and accepted. A couple of months ago he dropped Linear Algebra which he had included as a senior class on his application. I’ve discovered that he neglected to notify admissions before he was accepted. Without this class he still has (I think) over the max 750 of ‘class rigor’ (and 4+ years of honors level math). He will of course notify the school, but I’m very worried. Cal Poly was his first choice, he’s totally excited about going, and he’ll be devastated if his offer is rescinded. How bad is this?

Not bad, as long as he still has enough reported math to get 750 rigor points. Maybe not bad even if he doesn’t if his MCA is high enough. Call and let them know. It will very likely be a non-issue. Good luck.

Thanks @eyemgh, I’m also confused about how to count semesters vs. credit hours of class. For example, one year he took math analysis and geometry concurrently. Math analysis shows 1 full credit on his transcript so I assume this would be considered 2 semesters. What about his geometry class that was .5 credit hours, but still met for the full year. His transcript shows quarter grades. Would that count as on semester or two?

I’d have to summon @Gumbymom to help you.

If it becomes necessary perhaps he could offer to take the class over the summer.

@Distracted42: Every HS is different when it comes to credits and the MCA points are based on semesters. So he gets quarter grades on his transcript so does he take all classes for a full year (4 quarters) or some classes 1/2 year (2 quarters)? My son’s HS sent home quarter grades but only semester grades were on the transcript and with a few exceptions most classes were year long (2 semesters). How many grades does he have the Geometry class?

Can you list all his Math classes? Was Linear Algebra going to be taken at a Community college or at his HS?

Thanks @Gumbymom His high school math classes are as follows:
Honors Algebra 2
Honors Math Analysis
Honors Geometry
Honors Calculus
Honors Statistics
Linear Alg was to be an accredited online class - not a good thing for him.
All classes are 4 quarters (full academic year) with quarterly grades on the transcript, but his geometry class (2 accelerated kids) covered everything in fewer classes (Tues/Thurs only) while the others met MWF (so it counts towards our states graduation requirements as a half credit.) His school does a good job of meeting the kids where they are and moving them along at speed if its right for the kid.

His transcript will show 8 semesters of Lab Sciences, 8 semesters of english, 12 of foreign languages, 6 of visual arts, all classes were Honors level and he has some work and some EC with leadership.
ACT was 35, 4.5 GPA

It should not be an issue with the MCA calculation with him dropping Linear Algebra since he has 5 Math classes listed. Just make sure that admissions knows about the dropped class and document whom he spoke with or emailed regarding the dropped class. In the past, SLO will go back and review the application due to dropping the class so be aware this might happen.

Ok, now I can breath again. Thanks!

My daughter also dropped a math class her senior year. It was extra, already has 4 years of math including AP stats. She contacted admissions and received a canned response that said the deadline to make applications has passed. She will be evaluated on what she originally submitted and MUST meet the terms and conditions of her acceptance, which includes a clause about not changing classes. Needless to say, she is VERY worried they will cancel her. The issue is she won’t know until after HS is complete and it will be too late to accept another school!

@yikes The official terms say if the self-reported classes don’t match the final transcript they will do another review which may result in the admission being rescinded, not that she MUST not change classes. Call back again, tell them you want to send in your housing deposit but need confirmation her admittance is ok and see if you get someone else who gives you a different answer. When my son was admitted two years ago we discovered an error in his application - we reported AP Macro and AP Government as being one year classes and they were one semester classes. When I called I was told it could affect his admittance and to send an email explaining the situation and a transcript to the school with his first semester coursework and grades. They got back to us four days later saying over-reporting the semesters didn’t affect the admittance (since he already met the requirement for Social Science/Electives and they don’t give extra credit for more) but I didn’t rest until I had it in writing. This was the year Cal Poly over enrolled by 800 kids and UC Irvine also over enrolled and was in the news for rescinding something like 500 kids for transcript self-report errors so I was super paranoid.

@Distracted42 The best thing to do is call them and see what they say to have it cleared up as soon as possible. You’re probably ok but you definitely want it in writing that he is still admitted.

Great news!
Calling admissions was great advice - they were very helpful and professional. Our son emailed the details of the class he dropped then we followed up with a call. They made no promises and asked for a current transcript to review to compare his class work vs. requirements (and I assume his application). Two days later they verified with him that dropping the class will not affect his admission status. He’s over the moon. Hope he learned his lesson…grr. The administration stuff really matters…and don’t expect your parents to tell you what you need to do.

@Distracted42 Fantastic news!!! Getting into ME is so competitive, I’m happy for you and your son!