Dropping Chem 3B lec but keeping lab in the summer

<p>Hey all! I need some advice...</p>

<p>I decided that taking Chem 3B in the summer wasn't so wise as I find myself struggling to keep up with the pace of the course. So now I'm considering taking Chem 3B lec during the school year, but I want to keep Chem 3B lab because I'm doing pretty well in it. It's also something I definitely don't want to repeat (so much time XP). I talked to my GSI, and he agreed that this would probably be a better route for me. However, he said it might be difficult to keep lab without Chem 3B lec as lec is a prereq for the course (or should be taken concurrently). But my GSI said he'd definitely vouch for me if it does pose a problem.</p>

<p>So now I'm not sure what to do..I don't want my grade in lab to go to waste, especially with only four more labs to go. Since the prof. is teaching the material in his own order..the labs don't even overlap. </p>

<p>Does anyone know if there's any way I can keep the lab while dropping the Chem 3B lec?</p>

<p>I know no one has responded yet...and maybe no one knows what the policy might be.</p>

<p>A friend of mine has already dropped the lecture, and his enrollment for Chem 3b L has not been affected (at least not yet on telebears).</p>

<p>Earlier I was considering talking to Lucia Briggs, the lab coordinator, but another friend has advised against it, saying that I would just point myself out. Instead, he said I should just go ahead and drop it because there are far too many students, and the admin would most likely not go through the trouble of checking.</p>

<p>What do you guys think??? Any thoughts would be nice :D</p>