Dropping out to go to Yale?

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I'm an international student who's aspiring to attend Yale. When I say "aspiring", I <em>really</em> mean it. At the end of my penultimate year at hs (I guess you guys would call it 'junior' year), I was offered the chance to attend my local university (it's a good university, pretty sure it's in the top 70 unis in the world) because my grades were pretty good. I accepted, even though I already had my sights set on Yale. However, after a semester, I decided to return to high school. There was nothing wrong with the university; I basically dropped out because it was <em>not</em> Yale. Going back to hs meant that I could apply as a freshman. I was 16 at the time.</p>

<p>I'll be applying at the end of this year for the class of '15, and I'm wondering, will Yale view me as...delusional? Too eager to gamble my life away on something that's not very probable?</p>

<p>Have you visited Yale before? Make sure you’re serious about this, because I know when I get so obsessed with something, I’ll always end up being let down by it when I get it after months of waiting - no matter how amazing it is. People just end up building too high of an expectation for it.</p>



<p>Yep. They’ll also think you’re extremely naive.</p>

<p>No matter how much a student <em>really</em>, <em>really</em>, <em>REALLY!</em> wants to get in, it’s irrelevant to admissions. The question is, will* they *want you? </p>

<p>(and I’m not insinuating anything about you personally, simply stating the way it is: greater demand than there are spots, Yale is in a position to be picky).</p>