drug use on campus?

<p>I understand that Eckerd was recently rated as the 12th biggest drug use campuses in the US. I was hoping that some of the students, or parents of students could speak to this? How prevalent is the drug use on campus?
Thank you.</p>

<p>My daughter is a sophomore @ Eckerd. She says that there are definately those that use drugs @ Eckerd (mostly pot smoking) similar to most schools . However, there are also plenty of students who choose not to use drugs. Her experience has been that people are free to make their choices, and are not pressured or judged based on those choices. She says that most of the smokers do so outside and away from to dorms, so she does not have to be around it. When there is use in the dorms she feels it is addressed right away by the RA’s and residence life staff and not taken lightly. Hope that helped.</p>

<p>My daughter just finished her senior year at Eckerd. She does not use drugs and never felt pressured to do so. I think you’ll find drug use (and alcohol use) at most colleges these days. Heck, I went to Humboldt State University which was well known for being in a pot producing area. I never used drugs while I was there, and neither did the crowd I hung out with.</p>