Drugs on campus

<p>^ I agreeeee</p>

<p>Haha “dating after marriage”</p>

<p>Personally, I would not advise anyone to be dating while they are married. It can lead to some very sticky situations</p>

<p>come on, it was only a joke. My daughter never listens to me anyway. I told her to ask a guy three questions before she dates. 1) How much money do you have? 2) where did you get it? 3) can you get some more? After that she can find out his name!!!</p>

<p>If its just marijuana, I’d tell your son to chill out. He doesn’t need to use it, and his roommate should be considerate about stinking up the room, but they should be able to arrive at some agreement without your son leaving, or reporting him. Being angry at people who smoke marijuana to me is just as childish and more immature as being a homophobe. Both require a person to buy into a stupid story, whether that be “people should be straight” or “oh no, he’s altering his consciousness, thats wrong!”</p>

<p>You have the right to live in a drug free room- if you don’t know what your roommate has it doesn’t exist for you. No smoking of anything in your space. There are reasons many drugs are considered controlled substances- medically speaking, not just legally.</p>

<p>Just ask him to keep everything completely out of sight. No smoke in the room. That way if he is ever busted for some reason, you can claim (mostly honestly) that you didn’t know what was in there.</p>

<p>I’m just going to give you my experience as a student, if you smoke pot in the dorms people find out. Cops knock on the door. I’m all for people smoking pot, but in the dorms is a terrible idea. Lakeshore has pretty spots you can enjoy it privately… Don’t let him do it in the dorm, however. Always bad news…</p>

<p>I was just wondering, is smoking legal in Madison, or is it just decriminalized? If caught, what are the consequences?</p>

<p>It’s decriminalized in a private residence. I don’t know what the consequences are, but it’s probably a fine or something. But I mean, if you’re smoking in a house or apartment, you’re not going to get in trouble, no one cares enough to like report you or whatever.</p>

<p>I have some friends who live in an apartment above a convenience store, they got yelled at by the landlord because they were inadvertently making the convenience store smell like weed. He didn’t do anything but tell them to stop, though.</p>

<p>Smoking in the dorms is a bad idea, though. Hard to hide and while I’m not exactly sure what happens to you (for example, I highly doubt there’d be jail time involved) I think not too many people really get away with it. Just find a smoke spot around campus, there are lots of them.</p>

<p>Remember- you don’t own your space in your dorm or apartment so it isn’t the same as a home. Res Halls has the right to kick you out. Your apt lease may have a clause prohibiting keg parties as well as illegal substances. You do not have the right to make others endure your smoke in somewhat public places such as a dorm or apartment hallway.</p>

<p>OK- so room mate has pot in our dorm. I asked her to not have it in the dorm, but oh well.
She also shares it for money…
If I follow school rules and report her, she and her friends will all know I’m the one who reported it. If I don’t- and hope that no one does a spot check and finds it is not a great solution because I don’t want it in the room.
I don’t want her to get into trouble, because I’d feel bad. Any suggestions?
I’ve talked with conflict resolution people who suggested that I go to the RD about getting a new room mate. Should I tell the RD about the marijuana or just about the typically inconsiderate complaints like turning on the large overhead light (we have smaller ones) when I’m asleep; coming in with friends at all hours and speaking quite loudly, and leaving the door unlocked for just a few seconds which ends up being an hour or two…</p>

<p>If it helps at all, they do not do spot checks in the dorms. I would try to evaluate how careful she is about it - if she keeps it hidden and discreet, I wouldn’t worry, LOTS of people keep weed in their rooms and nothing bad ever happens to them. Furthermore if something did happen, you would not be in trouble - a friend of mine was caught with weed last year and nothing happened to his roommate at all.</p>

<p>If she is really outward and irresponsible about hiding it, or if she smokes in your room, I would first have a discussion with her, and if that doesn’t work just try to get a new room. I got a new one (for other reasons) and it was really easy. You also do not need to specify a reason for moving.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!
I’m actually at a different school, but although they warned us that each room mate is responsible for the other, I haven’t heard of spot checks either.</p>

<p>If you don’t go to UW why are you posting in this forum?</p>