Dual citizen high school student living in US but wants to attend college in Canada

Has anyone sent their child to Canada for their college years? My son was born in Canada and has lived his entire life in the US, where you able to set him up on Canada’s health care benefits or did he stay on your american benefits?
any other info would help on the steps for college admission? He is interested in Queens University.

Queens is in Ontario. Ontario university admission is handled through OUAC. Your son would qualify for a 105D application. SAT/ACT scores are useful and can be submitted to Canadian universities, just like American universities. His high school would have to submit the transcript to each university directly. https://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/

Students apply to programs within a university. He should browse the programs available. Here’s the link for Ontario. https://www.ouac.on.ca/apply/nonsecondary/domestic/en_CA/program/browse/category/14511343

Each province handles health care differently. Ontario’s health care is OHIP. It takes 3 months for his health coverage to start after he’s approved. He has to apply at a ServiceOntario office once he is a resident of Ontario. https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-ohip-and-get-health-card#section-4 Each person has their own health coverage. Health care benefits have nothing to do with parents. If he does not sign up for provincial health care benefits, he will have difficulty accessing care. Hospitals and doctors offices won’t accept US plans.

Thank you. This helps a lot.

@Barcelona18 you might want to investigate what health insurance plan may be available through Queen’s. He may have to wait until he has satisfied the residency requirement in Ontario before he is approved. We know two students who had to do this. Is your son intending to make Ontario his primary home?

The issue on health insurance is whether he would qualify for provincial health insurance immediately upon arrival, or after 6 months. This might depend upon the province.

Queens is a great university. If I were a kid again, it would be very high on my list of schools to attend.

I am originally from Canada (Montreal), but both of my kids were born in the US. This makes them dual citizens. One is in university in Canada. We are paying Canadian tuition, and she is on the provincial health care system. However, she uses our family insurance when in the US, and there is a very small fee for supplemental health insurance on campus through the university.

@DadTwoGirls. Yes, I understand what the issue is. The link that bouders provided indicates the following for OHIP:

To meet the minimum qualifications you must:

-be physically in Ontario for 153 days in any 12‑month period
-be physically in Ontario for at least 153 days of the first 183 days immediately after you began living in the province
-make Ontario your primary home

Your student would qualify for Quebec tuition at McGill, about C$4000/year.

He says he might consider McGill for his graduate studies

Did your daughter make Ontario her primary residence to be entitled to the OHIP insurance? Our son will most likely do Ontario as primary so he will be eligible for OHIP and like your daughter use our insurance while in the US.
Is it wise to get the supplemental insurance through the college?
Did your daughter fill out the 105F application?
Thanks for your help. I’m so new at this and this is our first going off to college from high school, our other son went into the Navy.