Dual Enrollment GPA question

<p>Looking at degree works, son’s grades from dual enrollment seem to have followed him to UA. Do these grades become part of his overall GPA for calculating the 3.0 needed to retain his Presidential Scholarship and the 3.3 to stay in Honors College? </p>

<p>Or is the scholarship and Honors College GPA calculation based only on credits earned at UA?</p>

<p>I am interested in this answer too. I BELIEVE that your dual enrollment classes do count in your overall GPA but would like to know for sure if this is true. (Luckily my freshman got As on his classes, but I kept on him last year in these classes because I didn’t want him to start UA with below a 4.0 average.)</p>

<p>Due to son’s DE GPA, I am also hoping the answer is yes. It would give him some nice breathing room.</p>

<p>They count.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p><a href=“Frequently Asked Questions – Scholarships | The University of Alabama”>http://scholarships.ua.edu/faq/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>“Students must maintain a University of Alabama GPA of “3.0” to maintain scholarships awarded by Undergraduate Admissions.”</p>

<p>It is my understanding that DE credits do not count to or take away from the GPA needed for the scholarship – but I could be wrong. They are included in the overall GPA but not the UA GPA. My son did not have DE credits but did have a GPA earned from another college who gave him credit for his high school engineering program. </p>

<p>That’s my understanding, Class2012mom.</p>

<p><a href=“http://courseleaf.ua.edu/introduction/academicpolicies/gradepointaveragegpa/”>http://courseleaf.ua.edu/introduction/academicpolicies/gradepointaveragegpa/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>“Overall and Institutional GPA
A student’s overall grade point average (GPA) is comprised of all work completed at the collegiate level, including work completed at The University of Alabama as well as work completed at other post secondary institutions and accepted for credit at The University of Alabama in accordance with the Transfer Credit Policy. A student’s institutional GPA is comprised solely of work completed at The University of Alabama. Both the overall and institutional GPA calculations take into account all attempted work that comprise each individual GPA. All failed, repeated or otherwise insufficient coursework is used to make the calculations.”</p>

<p>However, UAEC credit is part of the UA gpa since it is through UA.</p>

<p>Darn, looks like it won’t factor in. Thanks for the links.</p>