Dual enrollment or self-study?

<p>I really like chem and I'm currently in AP Chem and Organic Chem. I don't feel like it's challenging enough and I want to learn more chem over the summer because I have an (unhealthy) obsession to learn chemistry, lol. and it's like the one subject I'm actually passionate about. :) I don't have a chemistry class next year since I already took them all so I'm considering dual enrollment. </p>

<p>What are the pros and cons of dual enrollment? I feel like self-study would be a good experience for me because I like being independent and assigning myself work but having an actual class would probably be more productive.</p>

<p>also, how does dual enrollment work and how do you start?</p>

<p>Almost every college the US has summer courses in Chemistry. Check out <a href=“mailto:Summer@Brown”>Summer@Brown</a>. They have so many course choices (over 300). The courses last anywhere from 1 week to 7 weeks. I’m so excited to get to go this summer. (I’m taking Neuroscience in Health and Disease.) </p>

<p>Talk to your GC about dual enrollment. My HS does it so you don’t have to pay to take the classes. </p>

<p>Start by talking to your guidance counselor. He/she will have the information you need about DE.</p>