<p>How exactly does dual majoring work? Do you take more classes, or it special programs. Specifically, I would like to dual major in economics and poly sci and Penn State University. How would I go about doing this? Does it cost more money?</p>
<p>Most of these questions depend on your school. Since you know which school your talking about, the schools website will probably have a load of information. most likely you will just have to take certain classes in each department, more than would be required in just one discipline or just the other. You are essentially using some of your otherwise elective classes to major in this second field. Does it cost more money? Only if you spend more in time in school as a result of fulfilling requirements which you otherwise wouldn't have to do with single majoring. it might cost a few more sense for the extra ink on your degree . . .</p>
<p>The poli sci major at Penn State is very flexible- basically, after entry-level courses (American, comparative, international, theory) you choose what you want from a large course catalogue. I'm not familiar with the econ major, but I'm looking at a very strict science curriculum with the 12 classes (36 credits) of the poli science major spread around.</p>