<p>no he didn't die it was a stupid internet rumor</p>
<p>anyhow why does this post exist? is there something wrong with "goths" and "gays"?</p>
<p>also, the big "hole" in the ears is called a gauge.</p>
<p>no he didn't die it was a stupid internet rumor</p>
<p>anyhow why does this post exist? is there something wrong with "goths" and "gays"?</p>
<p>also, the big "hole" in the ears is called a gauge.</p>
<p>yeah. goths scare me and gays make me feel uncomfortable. our school is full of them. you ever walked around a building and seen some goth pop out with a knife or a shank and more make up than michael jackson for a photo shoot? ever had to sit next to a gay guy in spanish class named juan who kept saying to you "te quiero, te quiero"? if so, you know where im coming from.</p>
<p>you have GOT to be kidding me</p>
<p>omg, i think i might have to boycott the high school board. my mind has imploded from reading so many terrible post, one after the other...</p>
<p>I would have to agree with starryeyedgirl. I'm surprised at the attitude against "goths" and homosexuals I'm seeing in this thread. I expected something better from fellow CCers...</p>
<p>So, he's not dead, it doesn't matter anyways.</p>
<p>I guess living in SF, having seen it all, nothing is unusal for us.</p>
<accusation in="" form="" of="" question=""> <hyperbolic statement=""> <sweeping generalization=""> <derisive label=""> <derisive label=""></derisive></derisive></sweeping></hyperbolic></accusation></p>
<p>Message body:
<sweeping generalization=""> <expletive> <hyperbolic statement=""> [/period/] <phobic statement=""> <acute observation=""> [/period/] <premature conclusion=""> <antagonistic judgement=""> [/period/] <sweeping generalization=""> <accusation in="" form="" of="" question=""> <antagonistic judgement=""> <phobic statement=""> [/period/] [/period/] [/period/] <acute observation=""> <premature conclusion=""> [/period/] <sweeping generalization=""> <expletive> <hyperbolic statement=""></hyperbolic></expletive></sweeping></premature></acute></phobic></antagonistic></accusation></sweeping></antagonistic></premature></acute></phobic></hyperbolic></expletive></sweeping></p>
<p>if everyone was followed around by someone marking up what they say as a study aid, people'd think for five minutes before uttering a sentence, lol. there'd also be a lot more physical violence and less talking... </p>
<p>that's hilarious though, nom! :p</p>
<p><anthropomorphic icon="" indicating="" heightened="" emotional="" state=""> < . . . okay, okay, I won't do it to you. Thanks for the compliment, but my original post was serious. Bitterly sarcastic, but serious nonetheless.</anthropomorphic></p>
<p>dudes... I'm sorry! I never meant to say all I stand gays and goths.. (although reading my post again it seems it does). It was just a fresh cultural shock.</p>
<p>I thought that cc'ers were more accepting....Although people consider my extremely preppy I hang out with both "gays" and "goths". I guess a 1500 SAT doesn't automatically signal a wise person.</p>
<p>Sleet-I agree that the lesbians should be treated like everyone else in your school, but gays deserve equal acceptance as any other sexual orientation. Gays are everywhere. They've been around for centuries, and gays don't choose to be born into prep-schools or public schools. Only now, gays actually can live relatively normal lives.</p>
<p>Yes, while making me scared they're gonna give me some kinda freddy mercury disease.</p>
<p>I'm surprised at this thread. I thought my fellow CC'ers would be more open-minded regarding issues like this. People should understand that others are different, and accept diversity. I know guys who wear black and pierce their ears, but they are still perfectly intelligent beings, one of my friends is a "goth" and he does extremely well in school and is just like any other kid here, except for how he chooses to dress. I don't see how people can be so "grossed out" at others who are just different.</p>
<p>What's "freddy mercury disease?" And while some gays might be annoying(like the guy in your Spanish class), it's not fair to dislike them as a group just because they make you uncomfortable. I think you will find that most gay people are very insecure and would hardly ever hit on a straight person, mainly because they would be afraid that homophobes like you that aren't comfortable with homosexuality will get upset.</p>
<p>i agree with you sentient. they are just different. but why cant they be different without trying to touch my leg during ap chemistry class?</p>
<p>how has this thread not been deleted yet?</p>
<p>I know several gay guys at my school, none of them have ever "made a move" on me. I don't think you can generalise all of them into one group.</p>
"why cant they be different without trying to touch my leg during ap chemistry class?"</p>
<p>That is an outrageous statement. It is a baseless generalization, firmly entrenched in egotism and bigotry. A homosexual man is no more likely to hit on you than is a heterosexual woman. Homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgender individuals are not aiming to feel you up. I hate to stoop to this level, but if you get self-satisfaction out of thinking that possibly-gay students are trying to grope you, then odds are you aren't too secure about what little you have in that department. You have a paranoid delusion. Get over it. Get over yourself.</p>
<p>This thread is a travesty. Many of you should be ashamed.</p>
<p>None or very few of either at my school, an all boys college prep school. Hell, we're not even allowed to have facial hair.</p>