Due Jan 15th!! Please help!

<p>I have two essays due January 15th (this Thursday). One is a 250 word essay that currently has a word count of 374. The other is a 500 word essay that I haven't even finished the rough draft for. I desperately need help. Anyone up for it?? =)</p>

<p>pm it over</p>

<p>i’ll read it! pm me</p>

<p>send it over here…pm time</p>

<p>anyone else??</p>

<p>sure. :slight_smile: i’ll read it.</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>sure I’d love to read it.</p>

<p>yeah ok. I am have nothing better to do</p>

<p>PM me now.I’ll get it back asap…and be sure to tell me topic and what are you writing them for (only sup for common or is it a schoarship what what)</p>