Duke Class of 2027 Official Thread

We did a huge pros and cons list for both schools. Duke pretty much beat Cornell in every aspect. Starting from the overall rank (and also better ranked for her major), class sizes, face to face time with profs, opportunities in the future, student culture, the weather, closer to home, better value for the money and several other factors… Duke was a clear winner for us…. Of course, what works for us may not work for you… please list what’s important for you and your kid and then decide. Both are great schools, but my daughter is a Duke girl for sure. She likes the fun vibe that Duke has. Good luck to you!


Thank you so much, you have been so kind to share. S23 is strongly leaning towards Duke over Cornell and all of your points are in line with what we feel as well.

Both are fabulous schools though and tons of pros and cons each way!

Since the cost is the same, I would pick the prestigious private school over the public school for the overall four-year experience. Duke will have a very diverse population geographically, whereas public schools are bound to have a lot of in-state students, which creates a different experience.

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I have a question about the grants I know in the letter it says it can change. As anyone that is currently going to Duke had to deal with it changing. We don’t see any major change on our side other than another sibling going to college in the next 2 years. My concern is to commit and then next year not receiving as much aid.

I think the majority of Cornell is the private Colleges, and as far as geographically, felt that Cornell student body was more diverse. Felt more cultural diversity at Cornell TBH. Both schools I would label “prestigious”.
Concerned at the depth of engineering at Duke- for instance there is no Materials Science major, only a Certificate within ME.
Tough decision. Glad it’s not me making it. Great choices either way!

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My response was answering an earlier question where a poster was comparing Duke to Georgia Tech (not Duke to Cornell). At Georgia Tech, there would be more students from the state of Georgia.

Hi, new to this. Wanted to ask, how are Duke’s AP credit policies? I’m interested in graduating early but the vast majority of AP credits seems to only count toward higher placement in classes, though Duke says 2-8 credits can be used for graduation depending on timeline.

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Trinity or Pratt? This is Trinity’s credit policies: https://trinity.duke.edu/undergraduate/academic-policies/AP-credit-by-department

Pratt’s:Policies & Procedures | Duke Pratt School of Engineering

Keep in mind that 2 credit’s count for graduation, unless you graduate one semester early and then 4 will count, one year early and then 8 - more here for Triny:

I would look HARD at the specific major you’re contemplating and the 4 year plan or 3.5/3 year plan, plus fitting in other curriculum requirements and the specific policies of the contemplated major on whether they will satisfy major requirements. The vast majority of Duke students have significant AP/IB credit and the vast majority do not graduate early. It may work for a particular major, but I would research thoroughly!


Yes, was a class of 2026 shirt.

What did your family end up choosing for college? We liked Duke as it was the only top 10 my daughter got into, but not love it. For the price, a campus in NYC or CA would have been better overall. We declined Duke due to no financial aid! We were given $3k from Duke and the rest is expected to come from us. No thanks for an undergrad degree for a CS program ranked 20.

Cornell for engineering is better! Also, for name recognition. Duke is abit of “if you know, you know,” top school. Cornell is better known around the world - Duke not so much.

Maybe, but there IS this…


And then there is this…?


Whose that? I’m not into any sports. Is that supposed to be impressive?

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Well, I guess “If you know, you know” right?

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Most if given the choice would opt for Duke, but to each their own…


I would say recognition varies by field and region of the world. Both are great schools.

I am so sorry - I thought I replied to this weeks ago. She did the Science & Society Focus cluster. So far we have seen no down sides. It has led to excellent opportunities for her and she has received great Letters of Recommendation from her focus professors. I guess the only potential downside is if you end up not liking the focus cluster you choose, but she really liked hers and because she applied at the end of the window, it was her second choice. The other slight downside is that Focus decides your housing Freshman year and Freshman housing decides your housing Sophmore and Junior year. Of course, without Focus, housing is completely random. Anyway, not sure if you (or your child) chose Duke, but if Duke was chosen, I dont believe the Focus deadline should have passed yet.

Thank you for your reply! She applied late, but got into the Global Health cluster- thank you for your guidance.

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