duke hotel

<p>does anyone know much about the "R. David Thomas Executive Conference Center"?</p>

<p>i'm thinking of staying there during blue devil days, since the session i'm going to does not have student hosts as an option. any information would be greatly appreciated (just so i don't go in completely blind).</p>

<p>thanks in advance! :D</p>

<p>I have not stayed there, but others I know have, and they continue to go back. Very conveniently located! I believe it is part of the Fuqua Bisiness School.</p>

<p>Also check: [Duke</a> University | Student Affairs | New Student & Family Programs | Local Accommodations](<a href=“Duke Student Affairs”>Duke Student Affairs)</p>

<p>If you haven’t gotten your letter yet, wait for it because it comes up a list of hotel names where you can stay around Duke with an added bonus of a discount!</p>

<p>oh… okay, i’ll check out the site and look into the letter. thank you! :)</p>