Duke might be my #1 now!!!

<p>I had an amazing interview with a Duke alum this weekend. He told me soo much about the school. I already knew about the amazing academic programs, but his descriptions of the campus life, social events, and research/internship/study abroad opportunities made me really wanna go there. I love the school spirit there too!</p>

<p>Another major thing he brought up was the lack of aggression and competitiveness at Duke. I've heard horror stories about kids at other schools stealing each other's notes and ripping pages out of books in the library. None of that at Duke. </p>

<p>Of course, I applied to ivies and other tops schools, but now I’m thinking Duke is my top. They don’t give out as much $$$ as the ivies though...</p>

<p>Did anyone else recently consider Duke as one of their top schools? Why?</p>

<p>Yep, I had my alum interview this weekend too. He too made me want to go to Duke so bad. He explained the social and academic life, just like your alumni did. Uhh, this school is so perfect for me. As a 3 sport athlete I love sports, so I would love to see Duke basketball. I am a “typical” frat guy, so the social scene is perfect for me,(even though I mainly want to join for the brotherhood and not the parties). He said the food is good (which is very important to me), sometimes there is such a nice quiet surrounding that you can only hear footsteps. He said most of the girls are not very “materialistic” like they are in LA. I would be honored to go to this school.</p>

<p>Everything said above is true except for the characterization of the girls. The lack of ATTRACTIVE and LEVEL-HEADED girls is Duke’s weakest point. You can find really hot girls here and really down-to-earth girls…just not both.</p>

<p>Dude, you totally fell for it… these interviews are supposed to make you fall in love with the school. The alums KNOW that there is a good chance that before all this, Duke probably wasn’t your first choice.</p>

<p>Duke’s atmosphere is still really nice though.</p>

<p>I actually wouldn’t mind going to a school full of materialistic girls. I’m a girl myself and that would mean it’ll be easier on me in terms of competition…</p>