Duke RD Roster

<p>Since those EDers have their own lounge, why can't we have ours??? :)</p>

<p>Following their design, post your SAT I, IIs, rank and school applied to.</p>

<p>1570/800/790/760, 1/465, Trinity</p>

<p>**** i am glad that u are RD</p>

<p>Why, bsbllallstr8? </p>

<p>Isn't anyone else doing RD?</p>

<p>and random question: does Duke do an online application status? If yes, can someone give me the link?</p>

<p>your numbers are amazing... but i guess it wouldnt matter because i am applying to pratt</p>

<p>1500/800/760/730, Rank not given (top 2% I'd say), Trinity</p>

<p>This is all well and nice, but colleges seem to really not pay a lot of attention to test scores... unless you score well and get bad grades. It's just something I've noticed from reading the admissions process articles for both Penn and UChicago. I'd say good grades and great essays are what really set people apart.</p>

<p>1490/750/720/680, 3/364, Trinity</p>

<p>TenBelow, the rank is for the grade. Since GPA systems vary so much from state to state and even district to district, I thought it would give a more comparable and less muddled picture of academic standing to use rank. And, as for the essays and ECs, I agree that these are often the deciding factors of applications, especially at highly ranked schools like Duke, but for sake of simplicity and succinctness it seems easier to gain a quick snapshot of the applicants through test scores and rank.</p>

<p>regarding the online application status, you can create an online account with Duke. At the Duke website, go to Admissions and then Undergraduate. There is something about signing up to see your status there. When your decision is ready at a later time, it will be available there as well</p>

<p>yeah im glad all of you are applying rd as well. good luck!!! you all have great stats</p>

<p>Wow I have tough competition!</p>

<p>1480/770/740/730, No Rank (but at least top 5%), Trinity</p>

<p>slipstream99 - 1570/800/790/760, 1/465, Trinity
TenBelow - 1500/800/760/730, top 2%, Trinity
flipchick1127 - 1490/750/720/680, 3/364, Trinity
College_hopeful - 1480/770/740/730, top 5%, Trinity</p>

<p>streetlight - 1560/800/770/760, 18/540, not sure (wherever BME is)...I haven't really looked at the app yet...</p>

<p>1540/790/750/740, 2/503, Trinity
Is anyone else from NC?</p>

<p>slipstream99 - 1570/800/790/760, 1/465, Trinity
TenBelow - 1500/800/760/730, top 2%, Trinity
flipchick1127 - 1490/750/720/680, 3/364, Trinity
College_hopeful - 1480/770/740/730, top 5%, Trinity
streetlight - 1560/800/770/760, 18/540, BME
warblersrule86 - 1540/790/750/740, 2/503, Trinity</p>

<p>Impressive. Avg SAT of 1523 and SAT II of 756. All within top 5%.</p>

<p>thats disgusting, no person at my school has over 1470... in a class of 400 LOL</p>

<p>1530/790/780/750 top .5% (no rank), Trinity</p>

<p>It seems as if there are no Pratt RD. Thats kinda strange.</p>

<p>pratt is a minority... compared to trinity...</p>

<p>1460/800/680/640/ (retaking/taking some sat 2s on december test date though)
Rank 3/364

<p>1520 SAT / 770/750/710 II's (Retaking) / Top 10 % at a tough school (No Rank) Trinity</p>

<p>Did you guys send in either form one or the common app part for the interviews? There's about 8 kids from my school applying and only one other person and myself turned it in on time. Hopefully that'll give me an edge ;).</p>