<p>Does anyone know when Duke will send out its RD letters?</p>
<p>I've heard that RD decisions will be up online next Wednesday.. if it's like ED, those who live close to Duke should receive the letter in the mail the day after while those who live farther away should receive it by the following Monday.</p>
<p>does anyone know how many people got waitlisted this year at duke or what the stats have been like for previous years?</p>
<p>I think there were fewer applicants than last year, but I got in. :)</p>
<p>Yes, there were fewer applicants than last year, but according to the office of undergrad admissions, this year was still second on the record in terms of the number of applicants, after last year (naturally). So congratulations and give yourself a pat on the back for getting in. :D</p>
<p>Got into Pratt but not so much luck at some other top colleges.... Hope this helps give some guidelines or ideas for those who havent heard</p>
<p>Here are my academic stats:</p>
<p>SAT I: 790 M; 730 V; 700 W (11 essay)
SAT IIs: 760 M2; 690 Chem; high600s-low700s Lit
4s on AP Psych and Gov't
IB Diploma Candidate
GPA: 4.0 uw; 4.67w (best possible gpa for courses taken)
most rigorous academic courseload available</p>
<p>ECs: Varsity Soccer; Fellowship of Christian Athletes Finance Officer; teach fourth-graders life lessons through Students Organized for Developing Attitudes (SODA); coached an 11 & 12 yr. old soccer team; several other community service hr clubs (Beta NHS)</p>
<p>Recs: didnt read but based on who... assume to be solid</p>
<p>Essay: this probably wasnt extra, fantastic, or creative but couldnt have been a negative b/c i write very well</p>
attend a brand new state-of-the-art public HS in VA
White Male but neither parents attended 4yr university (mother 2yr and father thru military)</p>