<p>Hello CC!</p>
<p>Does anyone know if Duke has good financial aid for middle income families earning little over 100,000 a year? I've just been accepted but I'm really worrying about Duke throwing some $40,000/yr tuition at me, which I definitely won't be able to afford. And looking at past threads, Duke's financial aid doesn't look too hot... :(</p>
<p>Also, is it likely that Duke considers appeals?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>[Duke</a> Financial Aid: Loans](<a href=“http://www.finaid.duke.edu/undergraduate/parents/aidtypes/loans.html]Duke”>http://www.finaid.duke.edu/undergraduate/parents/aidtypes/loans.html)</p>
<p>[Duke</a> Financial Aid: Award Statistics](<a href=“http://dukefinancialaid.duke.edu/undergraduate/stats/index.html]Duke”>http://dukefinancialaid.duke.edu/undergraduate/stats/index.html)</p>
<p>So basically you’re expected to graduate with 5k of loans, Duke will provide $40,000 of financial aid per semester, and your family will likely have to pay the rest of the 57k. This is on average, of course, but it sure made me feel less worried!</p>
<p>Actually, you can check your financial aid right now. It comes with your online acceptance letter. It took me a while to find it, but you have to click on “Respond to Offer”, then the financial aid link is somewhere in the top right hand corner. </p>
<p>My family is in the same income bracket as yours and unfortunately I got poor financial aid. We still have to pay about $49,000 per year. Which is disheartening as I like Duke more than UNC-Chapel Hill but I have a good amount of scholarship money to go to UNC. My parents say that they should be able to support me all four years at Duke but its graduate school that will be a problem. And I have a younger brother who will be in college in 3 years and they’ll have to support him too. Still, I’m crossing my fingers that my dad can try to talk to Duke to give me more financial aid. Even so, I believe you have to apply for financial aid every year so maybe Duke will give me more next year if I go.</p>
<p>Yea… $42,000. If appeals process doesn’t work a miracle, Berkeley here I come .__.</p>
<p>Yeah, my family is in the same income bracket as yours. They gave the scholarship $5,800 and family contribute $49,000 even I do have sister in college too. Love Duke sooooo much, but can not afford it.</p>
<p>If anyone knows, how long does it usually take to get a financial package or for it to show up online? They received all my documents today and I’m set on Duke as long as the family contribution is reasonable.</p>
<p>It take at least 7 days process and they will send e-mail to you.</p>
<p>Wow, quicker than I thought! Thanks!</p>
<p>Sameee. Duke’s been my dream school for 4 years. And I misread their financial aid package. EFC actually = 4,8000. Sighhhh.</p>
<p>What other schools did you get accepted to? If you were accepted to one of Duke’s peer schools like Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown, Penn, Columbia, Northwestern, UChicago, etc., then the FA office will absolutely match the other school’s offer if it is significantly higher. Another poster here on CC had success doing this and leveraging the FA Cornell gave him.</p>
<p>Good luck to all of you and hopefully your Duke education becomes a reality!!:)</p>
<p>well I got waitlisted at Dartmouth, and didn’t even bother to apply Brown and Cornell because I thought they’d give me even worse aid. The highest school I got in besides Duke is Cal, which isn’t going to be that convincing. </p>
<p>Anyway, I talked with my Duke financial aid counselor and asked to appeal. She said there’s 0 chance because Duke’s aid is already better than my fafsa. </p>
<p>I swear my fafsa’s screwed up or something. My friends whose parents earn a ton more got more aid. ?_?</p>
<p>Whatever. I’m gonna sir to Cal in a few days. Screw it lol. Regents at Cal is pretty sweet anyway.</p>
<p>Also, I foudn out that Cornell’s financial aid office takes into consideration other schools offers while Duke does not. I’ve been trying to apply for outside scholarships too, but apparently Duke doesn’t count any of it because they’ll subtract whatever amount you get from their grant award. Which really sucks. </p>
<p>Sigh. I wish I focused my attention on other schools apps instead. I put in most of my effort on Duke and pretty much bs-ed my columbia/penn apps, because I thought at the time I’d choose Duke over all its peers. Oh wells.</p>
<p>wait actually just kidding I got into Dartmouth LOL</p>
<p>Now you have the power to bid Duke and Dartmouth against each other with your financial aid offers…the power is in your hands now!
I think there was a poster on this board who was able to get Duke to match Cornell’s aid and another person on the Columbia forum said that Columbia was able to match Dartmouth’s aid.</p>
<p>Hmm But Dartmouth gave me a similar package so I don’t really know how this will work out. But they were willing to reconsider my aid after I appealed, which Duke refused. So at this point, I think if I do cancel my SIR for Berkeley, it’ll be for Dartmouth. And I already turned down Duke’s offer so… yea. </p>
<p>Thanks everyone for giving me your input! :)</p>