Duke University Vs. Yale University

<p>Hi. My friend has been accepted into both places.</p>

<p>He wants to do Chemical Engineering.</p>

<p>Duke- 30K per year
Yale - 10K per year</p>

<p>Your comments on both of these schools?
Pros and Cons?
Your opinion?</p>


<p>Duke doesn’t have a chemical engineering department, so I’d say Yale is a better choice. :wink: Although I suppose there is ChemE-type research in the CEE/BME departments at Duke. Isn’t the deadline for deciding already over? Unless your friend recently got off the waitlist…</p>

<p>There’s no way a Duke engineering degree is worth 20k more - per year - than a Yale engineering degree.</p>

<p>absolutely go Yale</p>

<p>Are you sure it’s not BME? </p>

<p>It’d be crazy to pay 20k/yr more for a less prestigious school that doesn’t even have the major you want.</p>

<p>Honestly, unless your friend is unbelievably in love with Duke or perhaps a Duke girl, there should be no question here. Your friend should absolutely go to Yale under these circumstances.</p>

<p>He is very well rounded and honestly i can really see him in the Duke environment.
Hmm I but ill tell him that.</p>

<p>DUKE!!! Not only is Duke a good school, but it’s sooo spirited! Especially around March Madness. Smart, athletic, spirited! What more could a kid want??</p>

<p>Are the numbers price current price tags or scholarships?</p>

<p>If Yale costs only 10k, it is obviously a much better choice between the two irrespective of the major.</p>

<p>1 in 4 turns down Yale, 1 in 2 turns down Duke.</p>

<p>How set is he on Chemical Engineering? If he wants to switch over to BME, then the argument for choosing Duke gains a lot more traction. Yale isn’t really known for ChemE either so I’m surprised that these are your son’s only options. Is a state school like Berkeley, Texas or Michigan in the cards as well? If these options are significantly cheaper than Duke or Yale, then they might be the best options since they are reputable in ChemE as well.</p>

<p>Yale for 20k less a year? I think the choice is obvious</p>

<p>It would be a toss up if Yale were $30K and Duke were $10K</p>

<p>Go duke. Duke > yale in school spirit and fun</p>