Duke Waitlist 2027

Hey did you get your aid offer and did it match your EFC? Just wondering to see if they give less aid to those admitted off the waitlist. Thank you!

i know someone got off the wl before 5.1, haven’t heard since

Duke meets full need based on their own formula. They usually come in close to the EFC if there are not variables in the CSS at play, but they have language about not stacking outside scholarships, etc…If you look in the portal or CSS, you should be able to see when your info was pulled down before the original decision day - usually in March or earlier.

The Net Price Calculator should be close.

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wait what do you mean by pulled down?

Usually you can see the date a school accessed/downloaded your financial info. I can not remember exactly where in CSS.

And some schools you can see that in their portal as well.

I just noticed the duke portal’s header change from the original blue to a generic grey. Is this an indication of the waitlist closing/application closing? I still see my checklist and I can still upload files, plus they haven’t updated us with emails and neither on social media.
Has the same thing happened to anyone?

It looks like this on mine too. Not sure if this means anything

That’s weird, mine is still blue. I couldn’t imagine that means anything though.

Okay so actually on my phone it’s showing up as gray but on my computer it’s showing up as blue so I really don’t think this means anything at all

Does anyone know if Duke usually sends out an email once the class is full and the waitlist if closed?

Yes mine’s returned to blue too

I read that they weren’t going to do that last year and were instead just going to update their social medias. I’m not sure if they ended up sending emails too…

Ugh, well if anyone sees anything on social media please post here!

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My D (international student) is still waiting to hear from Duke about her waitlist status. Filled up her LOCI in April. I’m not sure if this long of a wait means it’s likely to be a no? Any thoughts?

You should assume it’s a no. You could get lucky, but this kind of luck should not factor into your plans for fall. The WL isn’t another decision round – it’s quite literally filling in holes that were left on May 1 or holes that are created when students who enrolled at Duke accept a WL offer from another school.


My school guidance counselor told me that admissions officers don’t want school counselors to make advocacy phone calls on behalf of waitlisted students and instead they would much rather hear from the students themselves. She told me to call and ask what I can do to get off the waitlist but I don’t know if this is a good idea because websites like Ivy coach advised not to do that and said that school counselors should be making these calls. Anyone have any advice on what to do? And would it be okay if I asked a teacher to make an advocacy call instead of my counselor?

Instead of guessing, and for such an important life decision, why not seek counsel from college admissions advisors who have track records with this process??? They’re not hard to find. Otherwise, you get what you pay for IMHO…

I think it really depends on the individual school. My child is waitlisted at a number of schools. For Duke, she emailed her regional AO for an update after submitting her LOCI, but was told by the AO to email admission instead so that everybody could see the update, so she did. For one school, the AO acknowledged the update. For another school, she was told to not email, but rather upload everything through portal, but she can’t do anything other than uploading LOCI in the portal, LOL!

The problem with calling is you don’t always reach the right person to talk to, but if you have a lot of free time at hands, do anything that you think might help!

Getting off waitlist is like shooting in the dark, and is really testing how we (both parents and kids) deal with anxiety. But hopefully you have fallen in love with the school you committed to.

Best luck!

Hi! Just out of curiosity, how was she able to email he Duke AO directly? I was not able to find the name or email of my regional AO on the Duke website.

We found it here uraccepted.com

However, this is listed on Duke website, and is the same instruction given by the AO

" If you are a student or parent with questions about Duke or the application process, we encourage you to email us at undergrad-admissions@duke.edu or call our office at 919-684-3214. If you would like to reach someone else at Duke, you can call Duke University Information at (919) 684-8111.

Please note that Duke does not consider personal contact with regional admissions officers or other admissions staff as a factor when making admissions decisions."