Duke Waitlist 2027

Ok so I asked admissions and they said they have no set date as to when the waitlist will be closed or when they are able to notify us. However, decisions are still being made at this moment. I guess that’s still good!


this is great! can you elaborate a little; does this mean there will be another wave of students accepted from the waitlist? what specifically did they say?

this is great! can you elaborate a little: does this mean there will be another wave of students accepted from the waitlist? what specifically did they say?

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Well, they never mentioned another wave but just said that “as I speak to you now, the dean is still making decisions.” They haven’t closed it and I guess that means either another wave or at least filling a few more gaps. Wishing us all good luck!


Unfortunately, I don’t think it’ll be ‘another wave’ as evident from previous years. However, slots may begin to open up as students withdraw their admittance, or current waitlisted students reject their waitlist offer for financial reasons. I think they only had one ‘wave’, but the slots that open up afterward are dependent on the previous wave of students. So I hate to say it, but the chances get lower and lower by the day, but stay optimistic! We’re not out of it yet :grin:


Okay so I heard back from admissions and they said that there will be one more wave. It won’t come this week because it’s graduation week at Duke, but there is one more. good luck!!


wow! ur the goat lucoleven! do you know specifically when that wave will be?

Hmm not sure, but I’m assuming it’ll start next week (or before the end of the month??)

I heard back from admissions and this is what they said to me, “We have not closed the waiting list and so it is possible that more offers will be extended in the coming days.” However they did not give any specific timeline, as expected


Any updates? I’ve still heard nothing from Duke except an automated reply upon submitting my LoCI.

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Same. Seems unlikely for good news at this point. : (


So is the waitlist closed ?
Did anyone call ?

People have posted here that they have called or emailed and been told it hasn’t been closed, but as time goes on the chance of still being offered a spot gets very very slim. Sometimes schools are actually full but they keep the waitlist open for a couple weeks in case they have anyone else drop off. I’ve seen that a lot of the Ivies, etc. have closed their waitlists though so the chances of someone leaving Duke for another school also start to diminish.


I just noticed that on my checklist there is a “final transcript” awaiting to be submitted before July 1, I know this doesn’t indicate anything but it wasn’t there before right?

I noticed that too, my guess is that it appears on everyone’s checklist

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Yeah, it’s new and looks like we all have it.

I just found out that I will be valedictorian plus I will receive a few other awards at graduation. Should I send an update to Duke with this information? Will they even care at this point? I already sent a LOCI mid-April, but I didn’t have very many updates then.


Definitely! Even if it’s just an email directly to admissions, and you have the opportunity to reaffirm your interest at the same time. What do you have to lose anyways, it either contributes to your acceptance or just has no effect, so go for it! Congrats!


Has anybody gotten explicitly rejected from the waitlist or just not gotten in? Because I got rejected from Harvard and Cornell, but silence from Duke and WashU.

I think last year there was an announcement on duke’s social media or sth? dunno what will happen this year…I only know that the ivies are sending out rejections at this point.